Saturday, 27 August 2011

Tres Chic!

I'm sorry I haven't posted for a bit, but we just got back from our holiday in Italy...darling. We drove down....with two children...and a packed lunch...and a geeky box attached to the roof...and a bicycle...I almost felt Dutch.

ANYWAY, I took an embarressing amount of pictures which I downloaded onto T Man's computer that I am momentarily unable to get my mitts on. But the last bunch of pics I saved on mine. These photos include an afternoon well spent on a little motorboat that made us feel like a poor man's J-LO for about four hours.

 I was a leetle bit nervous motoring out because, number one, T Man was at the wheel, not that I don't trust his manly abilities, but it's not like we do this regularly...oh she of little faith. Two, we had Mega O with us...mothering instinct was rife and three...I'm PETRIFIED of SHARKS...I know, I realise we were on a LAKE..... in ITALY...but still...

Well, here we are setting out...nervy, wonky, bit on edge, I was grasping onto Big O for dear life...

It's lovely though, isn't it?

How I could I doubt this man for a moment?

Now just so you know I have come to realise, that no matter where I go, if you are meant to be cool, chic or somewhat presentable, I, not.

Ummm, wait...where are the lifejackets?? See, here I go again, everyone else was lounging around all cool like, and I'm being all safety first and lets make us all look like geeks...Do you see anyone out here with life jackets on??

Umm, no...but I'm not everyone! (oh hello mother, you have inhabited my body again.)

So while I was shimmying into my little life jacket number, and wrestling Big O into his, I made T Man take a couple of pics...

 Life jacket, what do you mean, life jacket? I have been swimming the breadth of this lake every morning for the last 50 years! Old school...

 La Dolce Vita....No life bikini tops...Russian School.

There were no daggy life jackets to be found anywhere, thank goodness I showed up and injected a dose of reality..

Hi there!

And hey, if you can tread water and lug a two year old after you, you need to try out for the olympics my friend!

 Mr T thought he could do it without a life jacket, and I said he couldn't.....and he said yes,he could...and I said no, he couldn't, so he did it...and it got ugly....So then he got his geek on too....and I was all a good wife.

Yes, that is a schwaaaan, a very very large schwaaaan.

 Back on the boat, you can see some provisions I packed...most people believe they can pack provsions for themeselves..I disagree and froze and packed 6 large water bottles for 4 adults...we were only gone for 4 hours...but anything can know, like on a three hour tour. Please note, I purposely invest in cheap, plastic bags. They are far more practical than say a large, glossy, gorgeous Louis Vuitton carryall that would just get wet and ruined anyway...THAT is why I choose to remain un-chic...weep...really.

 Ship shape. Plastic bag...cossies...children's shoes...policevomit vans...wallets...

And above all, chic, cool, and somewhat presentable...did someone say cheese?

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